Thursday, August 27, 2009

The writing flows in fits

The leaves fell. Each breaking off the tree and gently floating to the earth to join its brethren on the ground. He walked slowly, shuffling his feet through the brown leaves. His dog trotted beside him, sniffing through the leaves.
The sky was the bright blue that only October had. The kind that cool evenings and sunny days brought. The kind you would long for in a few weeks, once November arrived, bringing with it a cold and bitter wind that drove rain and snow before it. The blue would return, of course, in December and January, but it would be a different blue. It would be a colder blue, while this blue, this October sky blue would still warm the heart.
The boy looked up from his study of the leaves. There was a girl walking the opposite direction about thirty feet up the path. He stopped. She was closer now. He looked at his feet. She was still closer. He looked up. She was there.
"Hi," he said. He blushed.
"Hi," she said. She blushed and smiled.

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